Alex Andersen Ølund A/S

Complaint procedure

At Alex Andersen, we do our best to deliver your goods safely and on time, but if problems arise during transport, we are here to help you.

On this page, you will find our procedure for reporting and handling complaints. We address all complaints in accordance with applicable regulations.

Reporting a Complaint

How to Report
Send an email to or contact your transport planner directly.

What to Include
Include a description of the problem, attach pictures, and provide the gross weight and cost price of the affected goods.

Report the complaint as soon as possible and no later than 24 hours after delivery.

Processing the Complaint

Our complaints team investigates the case in collaboration with the responsible transport planner and driver.

Return of Goods
Goods that are complained about and replaced by us must be returned, regardless of their condition. We will determine whether the goods should be destroyed or collected. Please note that goods destroyed without our approval cannot be replaced.

Decision on the Complaint

Approved complaints will be assigned a claim number (FS-xxxx). This number will be sent to you and must appear on the invoice to Alex Andersen Ølund A/S.

If the complaint is rejected, you will receive a documented explanation. If you wish to return the goods to the sender, you will need to make a new booking, and the return slip must be filled out.


All our transport and warehousing tasks are carried out in accordance with the Nordic Freight Forwarders Association’s General Conditions (NSAB 2000). This includes:

Limitation of Liability
Our liability for loss, deterioration, or damage to goods is limited to SDR 8.33 per kg. For delays, compensation is limited to the freight amount, not exceeding SDR 50,000 per order.

In case of damage during storage, our total liability is limited to SDR 500,000 per incident (§ 27).

Statute of Limitations
Claims against us must be made within 1 year, as claims against the freight forwarder expire after 1 year (§ 30).

Our lien covers both current and previous claims (§ 14).

Freight Claims
All freight claims must be honored regardless of delivery terms (§ 10). Any order is executed with reservations to strikes, lockouts or other force majeure.


We generally do not compensate for penalties due to delays. According to the CMR Act (§ 32) and NSAB (§ 19), we are only liable for damages incurred as a result of the delay, but not exceeding the freight amount.

We always strive to meet the agreed deadlines and will inform you as soon as possible of any potential delays.


Transport damages are exempt from VAT. You can read more about VAT guidelines here.

For more information about the provisions of the CMR Act, click here.