Alex Andersen Ølund A/S

Towards a greener and more sustainable future

There is no way around it: as a transport company, we influence the environment through CO2 emissions when we transport goods across Europe on a daily basis.

Air pollution from truck transport has been reduced by 95% over the last 20 years in Denmark, but we are still chasing the last 5% every single day by finding more green improvements in all corners of our business:

Thorough and greener planning - all the way

We have 7 strategically located European distribution centers with daily departures. This means that we can plan the transport with the greatest possible consideration for the environment, and use EMS vehicles whenever possible on the long distances and smaller trucks for distribution where it makes sense. Our EMS vehicles increase freight capacity by 30%, while fuel consumption does not increase significantly.

At the hubs, freight is distributed on smaller trucks. It is our vision that this transport is handled by CO2 neutral vehicles.

Green trucks and green construction

All our trailers have solar cells on the roof, we drive with the highest EURO standard of 6 on all towing units and we have 8 biogas trucks, which are 100% CO2 neutral.

In addition, our warehouses and facilities have been continuously energy-optimized with, for example, LED lights, electric trucks and power-saving sensors. Our main domicile in Odense is designed with sustainability in mind in all aspects, including via photovoltaic systems that produce all our electricity, rainwater collection for our washing plants and an energy label that is at the very top.

Focus on alternative fuels - biogas

To match our customers' high environmental expectations, we constantly focus on new alternative fuels. All our choices and de-choices are based on many years of insight into a complex market and a dedication to a greener future.

That is why we have also chosen to build a biogas system at our head office together with our partner Bigadan, whom has more than 30 years of experience in biogas technology.
The biogas we use is the 100% CO2 neutral gas, Compressed Bio Gas (CBG), which works as a good alternative to diesel. CBG consists mainly of methane and carbon dioxide produced from organic residues from agriculture and industry in Denmark.

This gives an expected CO2 reduction of approx. 206% because this biogas ensures one of the lowest emissions of air particles and thereby achieves a double effect, which results in the high reduction.

Training in environmentally friendly driving

Our drivers' driving technique is a very important key to reducing CO2 emissions. That is why we have created our own AA Master Class Drivers Academy in optimal environmental driving, which is very popular among our drivers. Sometimes there is even sport in performing a little better than colleagues. It is an attitude that permeates our entire organization, from top to bottom and across nationalities. A green and safe driving style is an important part of our image.

At Alex Andersen, we are constantly developing our fleet with sustainability in mind and we are therefore also represented in a number of important committees within the transport and logistics industry, where the common climate goals are defined.